President University held "Magang Penyusunan Dokumen SPMI"

Wednesday, 17 July 2019 12:07 by Administrator

To be able to implement the PPEPP cycle, besides requiring knowledge, it is necessary to develop skills to use instruments, analyze results, and design follow-up. By holding an internship, it is expected that participants have the skills and habits that lead to the formation of a quality culture.

In order for participants Satuan Penjaminan Mutu Internal (SPMI), Auditor Mutu Internal (AMI) and Gugus Kendali Mutu (GKM) of Study Programs to master skills and be familiar with SPMI implementation. In addition to producing a draft SPMI document, each participant uploaded a draft SPMI document which was the result of individual tests on Google Drive as an initiation of the practice of making Document Management System (DMS). The documents contained in the DMS will facilitate PT Asuhan in fulfilling data input for SPMI Mapping in a short time.

The Mechanism and Internship Design is carried out for 5 (five) working days, namely on July 1-5, 2019: Preparation of the SPMI Document which was attended by participants originating from 5 (five) Universities. Participants practice making SPMI documents consisting of "Kebijakan, Standar, Manual and Formulir SPMI". 

Persentation from STT Bina Tunggal

Persentation from STMIK Bani Saleh

Persentation From IISIP YAPIS Biak, STMIK Kharisma Karawang & STMIK Mercusuar

PT Asuhan (participants)

  1. STMIK Kharisma Karawang
  2. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Mercusuar Bekasi
  3. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan   Komputer Bani Saleh Bekasi
  4. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Bina Tunggal Bekasi
  5. Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik YAPIS Biak

You may download the material by clicking the link below:

  1. Model Pengorganisasian dalam implementasi SPMI
  2. Penyusunan 4 Dokumen SPMI
  3. Implementasi SPMI
  4. Program Kerja SPMI
  5. RKTL